We had the opportunity to work with one of the largest Canadian gold producers. We were tasked with running paid ads for them on both Google and Twitter. Working with such a large company allowed our team to step up to the challenge and enhance our strategies considerably. We were able to showcase consistent growth in investor leads month after month, thanks to our team of experts.

Lead Generation

Over the course of under 6 months we directly generated 342 leads. We saw noticeable growth after every quarter, with Q2 of 2024 being our most productive. We acquired 157 advertising leads generated.

This is particularly impressive when you consider our campaign stopped at the end of May, one month shy of a full quarter. In just 2 months we were able to generate more leads than we had in the entire Q1 of 2024. As you can see in the graph attached, we saw consistent growth in leads generated each month.

Graph showing the change in leads over time.Graph showing change in a arbitrary companies stock price over time.

Google Ads Campaign Performance

Over the course of the campaign, we accumulated 196,000 impressions through our Google Ad campaigns. This led to 6,890 clicks with an average CPC (Cost-per-click) of $1.06. Over the span of the campaign, the total investment in Google Ads was $7,310. Additionally, for this period the CTR (Click-through rate) was 3.52%.

Top Google Keywords

As you can see in the chart attached, these were the top performing keywords over the campaign period. We spent the most money bidding on the “gold stock” keyword. This led to the most clicks with 187 from 4,065 impressions. The Average CPC (Cost-per-click) was at $2.31. 

The keyword “gold mine companies” had the best Average CPC (Cost-per-click) at $0.98. This keyword had 135 clicks from 1,892 impressions with a CTR (Click-through rate) of 16.01%

A chart showing the top performing keywords.

Twitter Campaign Performance

Over the span of the campaign, we spent a total of $10,233.74 on Twitter ads. This generated 14,339,900 impressions and 20,342 clicks.

A graph displaying the amount spent and impressions from twitter ads.


Collaborating with one of Canada's largest gold producers was a distinct privilege that greatly enhanced our team's growth and learning. We are proud to have consistently achieved growth in leads month after month, showcasing that meticulous advertisement placements and strategy can generate outstanding results. This accomplishment demonstrates our unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional results for our clients.

*The company released a total of 16 press statements throughout our campaigns. The success of the campaign was influenced by various external and internal factors, including the price of gold, in-person roadshows, and other marketing efforts.

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