Are you a publicly listed mining company looking to increase your reach and attract investors? If that’s you, then you need to read this article until the end, and learn about 10 of the best stock market influencers for the mining industry.

Your mining company might have remarkable capital structure, geological results and management team, but communicating it to your audience is another story.

What is influencer marketing?

Influencer marketing is a collaboration between popular market trend analysts and mining companies to promote their project in the hopes of attracting more investors.

Today, influencers are not just limited to the traditional domains of fashion, music, fitness, or travel; they have entered into various sectors, including mining. These influencers leverage their credibility and trust among their audience to promote mining stocks.

Guy filming himself to make a video.

Influencers have become more dominant in the capital market field, which has generated impressive results for brand awareness and has even had a direct effect on trading volume. By having trusted stock market influencers promote your company, you can expand your potential investor base and specifically reach your niche target audience. This type of marketing can add immense value to your company. 

We did our own research, communicated with influencers, and found multiple stock market influencers that can boost your mining company’s profile. 

These are our top recommendations for influencers to work with in the mining industry 

*with no specific order or importance:

#1: Mining Stock Monkey

Platforms: Youtube & Newsletter
Followers: 16.1K

Mining Stock Monkey’s channel includes mining stock investment content with a focus on Gold, Silver, Copper, Oil, and Uranium. With over 17 years of experience investing in mining stocks, he created this channel to help people become better natural resource investors.

Mining Stock Monkey is known for his credibility and authenticity since he carefully selects the companies he will analyze. He only works with companies that align closely with his personal investment choices.

With a loyal fan base, his audience size may be relatively smaller than other influencers. In a way, his reach is limited, but a lot more tailored to the natural resource sector. On the other hand, despite having a smaller following, Mining Stock Monkey has impressive engagement metrics, consistently getting over 8K views per video.

Adrian Day talking about his top 3 gold stocks

#2: Stock Dads (Chris)

Platforms: Tiktok, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, Newsletter, Discord
Followers: About 300K across all social media platforms.

Tiktok has become one of the most used social media platforms in the world. Chris leverages his Tik Tok account to help generalists with their stock market investing decisions.

With over 185K Followers on the platform, he can bring immense value and opportunities to the table.

He has a strong presence across all social media platforms which ensures diverse engagement opportunities. His Discord community is also very large, with groups having over 15,000 active stock market investors. Using this platform can help you reach new investors directly.

Chris’s audience is mostly based in the US yet he has  a relatively modest viewing in Canada.

Stock Dads talking about 3 ETFS for passive income in 2024.

#3: The David Lin Report

Platforms: YouTube channel
Followers: 171K subscribers and 3M views/month.

The David Lin Report’s content is dedicated to reporting on finance, economics, and technology. The channel has accumulated more than 159k subscribers and 24 million views on YouTube.

Throughout his career as a financial journalist, David has interviewed CEOs of NYSE and NASDAQ-listed companies, heads of central banks, finance ministers, Nobel Laureates, mining executives, fund managers, analysts, Presidential candidates, and Congressmen. 

More specifically, he has interviewed well-respected analysts and stock market influencers including Rick Rule, David Hunter, Gareth Soloway, Steve Hanke, Steve Forbes, Eugene Fama and many more…

With David’s expertise and sizable following, he is well-positioned to enhance your company's visibility and credibility. Alongside his interviews, David provides detailed reports on video performance metrics, offering transparency and valuable data insights to your company. 

One thing to keep in mind is that David’s content discusses macroeconomic trends and general stocks to attract a wider audience, not only mining.

Someone on youtube talking about a market pivot in the future.

#4: Capital Cosm

Platforms: YouTube channel and twitter
Followers: 14K subscribers

Capital Cosm’s Channel focuses on content that promotes investing in the stock market and fostering capital growth. 

Capital Cosm’s content resonates well with viewers, with video views ranging from 1K to 28K which indicates a diverse and engaged audience.

Although the channel has a relatively small following, which may potentially limit the reach of promotional efforts compared to influencers with larger audiences, its audience is growing rapidly and highly engaged. The channel is also flexible to work on aligning prices to fit your budget.

CaoitalCosm youtube thumbnail talking about planned economic chaos with a guest.

#5: Andy Natural Resource Stocks

Platforms: YouTube & twitter
Followers: 4.74K subscribers

Andy’s Channel is dedicated to providing his audience with the latest news and insights on natural resource stocks. His team of expert analysts conducts thorough research and analysis on natural resource stocks to help people make informed investment decisions.

With over a decade of industry experience and as a personal active investor in the natural resource space, Andy brings valuable expertise to his content.

Andy has multiple valuable connections in the mining industry as he has more than 10 years of experience in the field.

Despite having a smaller-than-average following, Andy’s channel gets over 20,000 hours of monthly watch time. His audience is predominantly based in the US, potentially limiting the global reach of promotional campaigns. 

For any natural resource company listed on a U.S. or Canadian exchange, this is a perfect channel to have access to U.S. retail investors.

Youtube thumbnail with Matt Warder talking about generational returns in a forgotten commodity.

#6: StastalksStocks

Platforms: Tiktok, Youtube, Instagram
Followers: 41K

Stas Talk’s content is focused on the latest news on top-performing stocks. His content is created to appeal to a broad audience, covering general stock market trends while also including mining stock content in his videos.

He maintains a strong presence across multiple social media platforms which ensures a diverse audience and engagement. 

His method of having general stock market content and mining together allows him to obtain an audience such as mining investors as well as generalist investors which can give your company a higher reach.

While his broad coverage attracts a diverse audience, it may lessen the focus on specific sectors like mining stocks.

A youtube thumbnail telling people of a must watch stock to invest in.

Promoting: Getchell Gold Corp^

#7: The Next Big Rush

Platforms: Tiktok, Youtube, Newsletter
Followers: 7.9K

The Next Big Rush’s content is focused on commodity investments and mining news. 

Fabi is one of the few to offer full brand ambassador packages and provides all the latest news in her newsletter. Her marketing strategies are fully personalized. 

With over 7 years of experience in the field, she brings valuable content to mining companies. Her audience is highly engaged on any base metal stocks, but most recently, they’ve displayed a lot of interest in uranium companies. (we wonder why…)

Although her YouTube videos might be smaller than most influencers, her main strength lies in a 360 approach that includes getting featured on her website, YouTube, her big newsletter and Twitter. 

Youtube thumbnail talking about why 2024 will be a big year for investing.

#8: MiningTok

Platform: TikTok
Followers: 259 Followers

Owned and managed by Rachel Lee, this platform delivers bite-sized conversations with people in mining and finance. 

The information is targeted to up-and-coming investors who want to learn more about the mining industry. Rachel’s vision is to bridge the gap between the management teams of mining companies and the new generation of investors that are turning their eye to commodities. 

Although she has a small following, her content resonates well with viewers, with some videos getting up to 8,000 views organically.

Her platform  is poised to grow over the next few months, as she interviews more leaders in mining.

Youtube short with Dave O'Brien

#9: MI3 Communications (Mario Drolet)

Platforms:  YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Newsletter
Newsletter List: 7000+

MI3 Communications is a Montreal based financial communication company led by finance veteran Mario Drolet. They mostly offer the opportunity for CEOs and mining executives to connect with the finance world, through closed door private investor dinner presentations. MI3 has extensive experience collaborating with more than 300 mining companies, conducting well over 500 PR road shows across Canada, and hosting monthly invitation events in 19 cities including Panama City. Additionally, they have published over 500 technical notes on stocks.

Their online influencer services include the following:

  • High-impact distribution of press releases to their investor list of over 7000+ active readers.
  • Technical notes distribution to their newsletter list.
  • CEO Video Interview at major events (PDAC, VRIC & Mining Investment Event of the North)
  • Short-form video content (TikTok, YouTube and Instagram)

With some videos reaching over 10k views organically, they are a great option to launch a well-rounded influencer campaign and gain exposure to your recent accomplishments. Their video content is seen by both U.S. and Canadian viewers.

Conversation between Mario Drolet and Roger Rosmus

#10: VHLA Media

Platforms: Instagram, Linkedin, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Tiktok, Discord

VHLA Media caters to a young audience with a loyal fan base. They adopt viral marketing strategies, gaining hundreds of thousands of views. They have over 59,000 Followers on Tiktok and over 57,000 Followers on Instagram, with videos reaching as high as 740K views.

They’ve collaborated on videos with influencers such as Robert Kiyosaki.

The only downside here is some companies might see their content as being overly promotional.

Otherwise, their campaign stands out and bring real, tangible results.

Youtube short photo with Robert Kiyosaki. and VHLA Media


With mining & precious metals being a highly competitive industry, having an effective digital marketing strategy is crucial. 

Attracting investors, online, should be as important as roadshows. By using your preferred mix of the 6 strategies mentioned above, mining companies can amass a big following and communicate their value propositions to investors.

Connect 4 Marketing is a data-driven agency that focuses on driving high quality investor traffic to your website or landing page. Our main objective is to grow your investor database, for your IR team to call them, or email them your press-releases when they are released.

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